plea to a magic eight ball
tell me there's some kind of meaning.
concentrate and ask again
please, is there a single damn meaning in all of this?
most likely
most likely? really? you can't give me anything clearer than that?
my sources say no
well, can you at least tell me if I'm, like, on the path to finding meaning?
outlook good
and if I'm a good person?
it is decidedly so
most likely
...are you just telling me what I want to hear?
signs point to yes
probability versus reality....twenty sides on a dice…and it's a fucking toy. oh, what am I doing?
reply hazy, try again
stop with the vaguely realistic responses!
my reply is no
it's just me; I'm making meaning from nothing. it's just me.
as I see it, yes
...and you're kind of an asshole.
and you can't even tell me anything useful.
don't count on it
then what even is the point of you?
better not tell you now