reverie v. reality

about the blogger

alias | era:

reverie • eve | the void between 27 & 32


two cats (willow & algernon1)


poetry, english breakfast blend tea, chocolate-coconut flavor combos, that point in the morning when the sun goes a kind of a pale buttery color through the windows, ttrpgs, raspberry sorbet, personality tests2, the honey they sell at farmer’s markets, trying new hobbies, and laughing really hard


being late, silence, the weight of existence, when my beverage is not the temperature it started at, when one book is missing from a series at the library, the never-ending cycle of laundry, alarm clocks, and yogurt with fruit in the bottom

current ventures


a poetry handbook by mary oliver

the martian by andy weir

2024 reading goal: 17 / 20


lcd soundsystem

all my friends

// if the trip and the plan come apart in your hand / you can turn it on yourself, you ridiculous clown / you forgot what you meant when you read what you said / and you always knew you were tired, but then / where are your friends tonight? //



last updated: 3 days, 17 hours

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  1. not their real names but a very funny (to me) riff on them. imo, the best part of internet anonymity is making up hilarious pseudonyms for everyone you reference from everyday life!

  2. (on the wall behind me, my psych m.a. wobbles ominously with displeasure)